GAMCA(Gulf Authorised Medical Center Association) made their Medical Appointment Process Online. After Inputting the applicant’s data and making an online payment at the WAFID website an Online medical slip will be generated.
You can access your slotted medical centre near you with a slip only. The payment mode is only with credit cards. Applicants who fit with GAMCA medical examination will be eligible for VISA for GCC countries.
Experience now the hassle-free GAMCA Medical slip generation and online payment process in simple steps. You may know the pre-departure Medical tests makes you fit in gaining a job or family VISA in GCC countries like Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and UAE. You can either take your appointments with the WAFID website or approach us to avoid all hurdles and get simplified procedures. We help you to make an online payment and generate medical slips with a nominal service charge along with GAMCA fees.
By monitoring vitals such as weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol, an annual physical examination ensures wellness and excellent health.
Images of your internal organs or bones are created during an x-ray examination to aid in the diagnosis of diseases or injuries.
The cardiac exam generally includes inspection, palpation, and auscultation
Fees: Please keep in mind that the costs may vary based on the medical findings or the need for additional tests.
Fill out an online information form for each participant carefully.
Attach a scanned copy of each person’s passport to this application form